Students’ Picks

Erica Stietzel, Staff Writer

In Stamford High School, many students have different opinions on who should become president in 2016. Between some of the options, Donald Trump, Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders none of them seem to be great choices. With the election coming up around the corner, the decision is becoming more difficult to choose the best candidate. I took a look into the students at Stamford High to get their opinion on who they would choose to become president.

Most students at Stamford High would say that they do not want any of the candidates to become president. They believe that our country will fall and become a joke, especially if Trump is president. According to Junior Adrian Chrzanowski, he wants “anyone but Trump.” He and many other students feel the same way towards Trump becoming president. Senior Eve Critelli strongly feels that none of the candidates would be great options. Considering that she has to vote in this upcoming election, Critelli said, “I am scared of any of them becoming president.”

Junior Danielle Wolfe believes that if she had to choose, Sanders could be a contender; however, none of them seem like a great option. According to Wolfe, “I want anyone but Trump.” This is a reoccurring statement being said throughout Stamford High. Junior Sara Staley said, “None of them,” agreeing with Wolfe on the issue. Both believe that the candidates involved are not acceptable choices like most students here.

There are many other students that do not have an interest in politics. It makes sense since most students cannot vote in the upcoming election. According to Lauren O’Neill, “I would vote for no one because I don’t like politics.” O’Neill and others do not care about politics as well as do not pay attention to what is being said at these debates. Most students can agree on the fact that Trump should not become president. There are a couple of Trump supporters in Stamford High’s population, but the majority believes that none should be in the running.

Overall, Stamford High has a very similar opinion going throughout the school. They believe none of the candidates would be good for the job. Being president is a difficult position to be in and none of the runners would be a good fit. According to the students, Trump especially should not be president. Most people even said they would move out of the country if he were to be elected. If students had the option to vote in this upcoming election, most would definitely choose not to.