5 Symptoms of Senioritis

Daniella Malinowski, Staff Writer

1. You find it absolutely impossible to wake up on time

 You set your alarm to the same time every morning, yet there is a good chance that you aren’t going to get out of bed for another half hour. There is no longer an incentive to getting up on time. Who cares if you’re late? Do teachers expect any more from a second-semester senior? You lay in bed and think about what classes you have that day and wonder, “would it really be THAT bad if I just didn’t go in today?” The best days are always when you realize that your study hall lands on the first block of the schedule and you can sleep longer. Any extra sleep is the best sleep.

 2. You always find a reason to not do your homework

 Whether it’s because you do one too many after school activities or that you have a study hall the next day and can do it then, there is always a reason to hold off on homework. Actually, this goes for schoolwork in general. Classwork becomes homework and homework becomes something wrinkled at the bottom of your backpack that you swore you handed in a month ago. It’s so easy to just go home and do anything but homework. It can be a nap, or eating, or a sport, or binge watching your favorite show on Netflix. The possibilities are endless when you don’t think about the massive amount of blank assignments waiting for you.

 3. Your study hall varies depending on your daily mood

 Most students decide to take at least one study hall when senior year comes around, yet this never seems to be enough. Having only one period to yourself a day seems almost impossible to deal with. This is where the rotating study hall comes into play. It’s one period per day that you decide you don’t have to go to, in which you leave the school to do something more worthy of your time. Most of the time, you choose to leave during long period to go eat a real lunch. You decide that whatever class you have is not half as important as the food you have been craving all week. Let’s be real here: there is no way we all had a long period study hall on Free Pancake Day.

 4. You bum at least three times during the week

 Girls, let’s all recall our freshman year when we would wake up a good hour before school started to straighten our hair, put makeup on, and pick out a nice outfit. You would occasionally wear sweats if you were really tired, but effort was always put into your appearance. Now let’s fast-forward to the middle of senior year: what are you wearing right now? What did you wear yesterday? I bet that at least one of those answers is sweatpants. Your hair goes up, you don’t even bother putting contacts on, and makeup is only done if you get up on time. That one person bumming used to stick out to us, but now you stick out if you’re dressed up on a daily basis. Who is there to impress? You’ve gone to school with this same group of kids for four years; they know how you look.

 5. All you can think about is what is going to happen after graduation

 Less than one hundred days. That is how long until graduation. Are you counting down too? As quickly as these past few years have gone, you are so ready to start a new chapter in your life. That sense of adulthood and freedom is approaching and you’re beginning to think of nothing else. Most of us have heard back from the colleges we applied to and it’s now time to decide where you’re going to spend the next four years of your life. Being in the confines of these halls just makes you yearn for it more. You sit in class and imagine your life a year from now: the new people you will meet, the memories you will share, how different you will be. The future is unknown and you can’t wait!

 ATTENTION: If you display three or more of these symptoms, you have a very strong case of senioritis. It is best to embrace it.

Editor’s Note: This article is the opinion of the author.  The Round Table does not condone a “rotating study hall” concept