2014 Summer Experiences

John Cascio, Staff Writer

Summer has typically been known for having the most memorable experiences in one’s life. These experiences can be life-changing for those who live to tell the tale. Here are three captivating summer experiences, from Stamford High students, that have changed their lives for the better.

Senior Geoffrey Cahr traveled throughout Israel over the summer. He spent six-and-a-half weeks there with his Jewish summer camp, Yavneh. Once reaching a certain age, Yavneh’s campers get rewarded with a trip and tour of Israel. For those who do not know about what is going on in Israel, many nations surrounding it do not agree with their way of life and are trying to get rid of it. When asked if he was ever afraid during his trip Geoffrey said, “Yes, however our program was always a step ahead in order to ensure our safety.”  The groups of campers were moving throughout Israel to avoid possible bombings and terrorist attacks, but, thankfully, no one on the trip was ever remotely injured. His experience did not change him as a human being, but by witnessing exactly what life in Israel is like, it altered his view on Israeli day-to-day life.

Camping trips are a great way to not only connect with Mother Nature, but to also to bond with those you are on the trip with. This is what junior Luke Stone was looking forward to when he went camping with his father, Eddie Stone, and his brother, C.J. Stone, in Lake George. But during their hike down from Mt. Marcy, they were forced to go off trail by flash floods. The Stones bushwhacked their way to a slant rock, but were trapped by a flooded stream. Once the flooding came to a halt, they looked around for a campsite and found an empty tent that they decided to stay in to keep warm. With no extra blankets or clothes, they were forced to huddle together for warmth. After an hour of waiting in the tent, they were finally saved by campers who were staying in a nearby lean-to(cabin). When asked if this experience changed Luke, he said, “It made me appreciate life and how easily it can be taken away.”

The lean-to cabin Luke and his family stayed in
Photo courtesy of Luke Stone
The lean-to cabin Luke and his family stayed in

Birthday presents bring happiness and joy to those who receive them. What’s even better than a birthday present? A surprise birthday present, that’s what. For senior Olivia Martinez’s birthday, her mother surprised her with a trip to Prague, Czech Republic and Vienna, Austria. While touring Prague, Olivia and her mother, Rebecca Martinez, had a chance to look at a preserved concentration camp from World War II. Olivia had family members that were in concentration camps, so this experience gave her a better perspective on her family background. This visit also helped her discover how much more there is to see in the world. “Before this trip I was debating if I wanted to study abroad or not, but after visiting these cities, it is now something I’m planning on doing.”

Streets of Prague, Czech Republic
Photo courtesy of Olivia Martinez
Streets of Prague, Czech Republic

These SHS students had memorable summers, to say the least. They show us all that summer can be much more than sitting on the couch and watching Netflix.