Morning Routines

Morning Routines

Victoria Shea, Staff Writer

As we all know, morning routines vary. Some people can get up rather quickly after their alarm goes off, jump in the shower, get dressed, have breakfast and fly out the door. For others, getting up and out doesn’t happen so quickly. Some of us need to hit snooze after our alarm goes off, can’t make it to the shower in the morning, and can be rather slow when it comes to getting ready in general.

As far as I’m concerned, I take a snooze after my initial alarm goes off, then I proceed to get dressed, (no morning shower for me) spend approximately 30 minutes on my hair and makeup ritual, have my cup of coffee with a donut and off I go. For some other students, mornings are not so cut and dry. In my high school experience, I’ve seen many students walk into class looking like they had just rolled out of bed, sporting a pair of sweatpants with an oversized hoodie, wet, unkempt hair with a breakfast sandwich from Donut Delight and a coffee. This past year, I haven’t even seen some of my classmates in my first period class because they can’t get it together so early in the morning.

The advantage of being able to have our coffee in class is a big one. Being able to bring it into school helps take away the stress of getting to class on time. I even noticed more kids in school with a cup of coffee than with wet hair. So, it is safe to say coffee must be more effective than a shower.  So there it goes; the saga of the dreaded early morning routine.