The Last Jedi : Spoiler-Free Review


Andrew Cohen, Staff Writer

Hey guys! let’s talk about Star Wars: The Last Jedi, The new action blockbuster written and directed by Rian Johnson. This is a spoiler-free review, so feel free to read the whole thing.

As a movie alone it was a pretty good movie, though for Star Wars movies I’d have to give it a B. While there were some great action and effects, a lot of it was a build up to nothing, and after watching it I felt sort of cheated. There were a couple of surprises, mostly in the beginning/middle part, though after that is when I felt it really went off the charts. It really just became another Hollywood blockbuster that felt convoluted and artificial, as well as not making any leaps like those that happened in other Star Wars movies such as The Empire Strikes Back or Revenge of the Sith.

While there were definitely some problems, The Last Jedi featured some great action and special effects that Star Wars fans have come to know and love. The movie also introduces some new characters that I am excited to see more of in future installments. For example, that furry creature that was in the trailer sitting next to Chewy – I originally thought that it was going to be along the lines of Jar Jar Binks (annoying), but it turned out to be extremely adorable and one of my favorite things about the film. Of course, you can’t talk about The Last Jedi without also mentioning John William’s dark and spooky score. I especially enjoyed his theme for the dark side, which is new while also feeling very much like it’s been a part of Star Wars for the past 20 years.

That’s all I can say without giving away too much. I do recommend watching the film because on its own, it’s a cool and action-packed movie despite the disappointing aspects. Star Wars: The Last Jedi is in theaters now.