Is IT the New “It” Movie?


Arieanna Linton, Staff Writer

Just this past Sunday the long anticipated remake of Stephen King’s bestselling novel directed by Andrés Muschietti, IT was released and I’m sure everyone is wondering, did it live up to the hype? For those of you that don’t recall, both the movie and novel are centered on an evil shape-shifting clown that terrorizes seven outcast children, who eventually band together to take it on. Both the novel and the movie explore childhood trauma, bullying, and most importantly fear and how it plays into our lives.

The movie does a fantastic job of staying true to the plot. I will say while they did a great job of matching the movie closely to the novel, but there was still a lot of hype that seemed to build up the movie before viewing. The anticipation of this movie was that it would be a seat clenching, eye turning, sweat drawing thriller and honestly it was nothing but a comedy with a weird looking clown. The plot became blurred in the beginning, which left a lot of room for confusion and in turn left room to be bored and lose interest for the rest of the movie. Throughout the movie we were given a glimpse of each of the seven characters’ lives, and the director was able to give the audience feelings of either sympathy or hate toward a certain character and did so successfully. In comparison to the novel of course it would not be as developed since the novel has over three-hundred pages, while the movie only lasted an hour and a half.  Despite its few (several) flaws, IT was not a terrible movie; it was just not the movie it was portrayed to be before its release. So ladies and gentlemen, if you are bored one day on a Tuesday and in the mood for a comedy, go see the new movie “IT,” but it is not worth paying $12 for on a regular night.