Summer Fitness



Summer’s here! And if you’re not motivated by those two words alone, then your first step to becoming fit is to find your motivation. Every person is different. The need to be healthy might be one person’s motivation while the thought of how you would look in a bathing suit might be another. Quite honestly, there are many reasons that come to mind when I think of myself; healthy, strong, hot. Whatever your motivation might be, find an image of it, and print it out! Print photographs of toned up bodies, print healthy, delicious foods. Anything that has to do with why you’re getting fit, print it. Now with all those print outs, tack them up next to your bed where you’ll see it when you first wake up, tack them up by your mirror so you can take notice of any difference, your fridge, all around! By this time, you’ll not only motivate yourself, but everyone around you.Healthy-food

Eat Right

“Eating right…” easier said than done, right? Haha. Well once you have all this motivation built up, it shouldn’t be too hard. It might hurt, but it’s definitely necessary to cut out all those delicious, but gross, fattening meals. The trick is never to eat less, but more. So when you drop the chicken leg, pick up a cup of non-fat Greek yogurt with cut-up, fresh strawberries. It’s all about replacement! Begin with cutting out all the carbs and replacing it with fresh fruit, steamed veggies, and hot tea. Eventually, denying what was so easy to stuff down, will feel like breathing. Big tip: keep a planner so you know what kinds of foods to eat every day. It’ll keep you from random munching.


Staying Outside

We all know why we eat, we’re bored. The best way to keep from over eating is keep ourselves busy, away from the fridge. Staying outside is a great way to do both. Find activities that you can only do outside. For example, my dog loves to be walked, but in order to get fit, walking just isn’t enough for me so I jog with my dog. In this way, both my dog and I are getting the exercise we need. But say you don’t have a dog? Jog to the beach! Leave your keys some mornings and jog to your school or even your job (while of course bring a set of clothes to change if needed). But the point is to stay active. Just like your meals, you can just replace the way you get around by strengthening what you already have.



A good way to start a work out plan is if you do simple little exercises that will get your blood pumping.  Every morning do 10 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 25 squats, 20 lounges, 50 jumping jacks, and a 60 min wall sit. You can repeat this process every morning and night so that your body doesn’t lose any discipline. Just like your food, keep a planner of what kind of exercise to do every day. Whether Mondays are for jogging, and Thursdays are simply for strengthening your muscles, make every day a priority for a different aspect of yourself that you want to improve. To keep yourself motivated, treat yourself to something sweet on Sunday without stressing yourself about it because you’ll burn it off on Monday.



When you find that you still have so much extra time in your hands (something I would love!), look for a sport or an activity that interest you. By summer time, pools are open, beaches are full, and friends might be in your same position. Take up swimming. After jogging a bit, it’ll come natural if you’d want to go jogging to the beach and then take a dive. By a bicycle or borrow one. I bet you’ve lived your whole life in this one city and you still don’t know the deepest parts it, explore! Try some yoga, this not only relaxes the mind, but the soul as well.


Finding Friends

Now although finding friends is what you’re reading, the issue isn’t having friends, its having the right kinds. Find yourself a group of friends who seem to share the same interest in becoming fit. Use each other to stay on track. Whether you need someone to help push you or some friendly competition, help each other. Get a group together and play volley ball at the beach, play tennis at the school courts, or even soccer in a field. If everyone in your group feels comfortable with each other, you may even reenact “Biggest Loser.” The point is to feel good enough with your friends that everyone can give each other positive feedback and stop each other from falling off track.



One last fun way to get into a Summer Fit jam is to go shopping. You may wonder, “Why would I want to shop before getting fit?” that’s the beauty though! When you go shopping, begin shopping for how you know you’ll look once you’re fit and in shape. If losing weight is your goal, buy clothing two sizes smaller. If you’re fine with your body but simply want to get in shape, buy running shoes or gym clothing to get you to want to exercise in them! Shopping is too much fun for someone to miss out on just because right now, you are not where you will be later.