Film Review: Get Hard


Mia Vitti, Staff Writer

The film Get Hard, starring Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart and directed by Etan Cohen is a very entertaining comedy. It all starts when James King (Ferrell) manager of a company is getting sent to prison. He asks Darnell Lewis (Hart), assuming that he has been to prison, to help him prepare for what he is about to encounter.

In my opinion, this was a wonderful film; an hour and 40 minutes of pure laughter. The two main characters did an amazing job and had me cracking up the whole time. Ferrell does a particularly great job with his character. He really nails the role of a typical successful businessman with not a care in the world. Once he is faced with this problem, though,  he goes to others for help because he has no idea what to do, and Ferrell does a good job of showing how King is feeling.

Hart portrays a middle class man, and does a great job of showing someone trying to be something that they are not. His character is very innocent and inexperienced, but somehow convinces King that he is an ex-convict. Most important of all, both actors are very entertaining and comical throughout the film.

If you are up for a good laugh, I advise you to go watch this movie. We all know Hart and Farrell as very funny individuals, but when they are working together it’s hysterical. I assure you that you wont regret it or waste time seeing this film. If you’re a fan of laughing, this is the perfect movie for you.