No Block Scheduling in Fall 2019

School to Delay Implementation For One Year


John Bolognino, Connection Time News Producer

In a faculty meeting on January 16, Principal Ray Manka announced that block scheduling at Stamford High will be postponed until the 2020-2021 school year.

In an email on the same day, Manka disclosed that the decision was motivated by a need to take more time to implement professional development programs and take feedback from stakeholders like teachers and parents in order to formulate the details of the new scheduling plan such as attendance policy.

A Scheduling Community Advisory Panel made up of parents, students, and board members will be assembled in the coming weeks to inform the development process with details to be announced. Stamford High’s transition to block scheduling will coincide with Westhill’s the same year.

Manka gave further details about the rationale behind the delay in an interview last week.