When it comes to schools and education, there’s always the question of whether a smaller or a larger school would be more fitting for the student. Some parents like that their children attend a large school with many opportunities, while others feel that a smaller school is more personal. Supposedly, bigger schools offer more opportunities. However, small schools create a more supportive learning environment and help students build strong relationships with professors, improve their grades, and feel more included in school activities. One of the best qualities that a small school has is a close-knit community. Research shows that students in smaller schools get more personal attention from professors, which leads to better grades and more engaged students. According to Cushman from the Northwest Regional Education Laboratory, “Academic achievement in small schools is at least equal – and often superior – to that of large schools”. The Northwest Regional Education Laboratory said smaller class sizes help teachers understand their students at a deeper level.
Smaller schools also have lower dropout rates and intern higher graduation rates. A study by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation found that students in small schools were much more likely to graduate on time. In addition, Cushman said, “A smaller percentage of students drop out of small schools than large ones”. When students feel connected to their teachers and peers, they tend to stay in school.
Another positive is the students’ emotional well-being. Larger schools can be overwhelming, and many students may feel lost in the large crowds. Small schools create strong and meaningful friendships. A study in the American Journal of Education found that students in larger schools tend to be more carefree than those in small schools. Additionally, research from the Institution for Local Self-Reliance said that “small schools also build strong communities. Parents and neighbors are more likely to be actively involved in the school.”
It can be argued that large schools provide more extracurricular activities, advanced courses, and a wider variety of social activities. They also generally have better resources, more specialized teachers, and a greater range of programs that help to prepare students for the future. While this is true, research has shown that having more choices doesn’t always lead to better results. Many small schools offer creative programs and partnerships with colleges, and various businesses, to provide similar opportunities. Also, students won’t benefit from these choices if they don’t feel supported by the school and their mentors. As stated in the Northwest Regional Education Laboratory by Cushman, “Levels of extracurricular participation are much higher and more varied in small schools than large ones, and students in small schools derive greater satisfaction from their extracurricular participation,” suggesting that small schools provide a better overall experience for students involved.
Instead of just focusing only on the size of the school, it’s important to also focus on making sure students succeed academically and socially. Colleges should have smaller class sizes, even in bigger schools, so that students get the attention they need. This becomes an investment in mentorship programs and building strong school communities which can help large schools feel more similar to small ones. While large schools may have more resources, small schools do a better job of making students feel supported and ready for the future.