Every high schooler has their own preference of food. Healthy or not, people have their own tastes. Many SHS students like John’s or Dunkin’, but a new favorite has been on the rise—Crumbl Cookie. Crumbl describes their start as “the perfect combination of flour, sugar, and chocolate chips,” but maybe too much sugar. Regardless, it is a top choice at Stamford High School.
Crumbl Cookie was created in 2017 by two cousins, Jason McGowan and Sawyer Hemsley. They dreamed about opening a cookie store and supplying their cookies to millions of people. As of now, their dream has been well accomplished. Their first location in Logan, Utah opened the gates of the cookie phenomenon. They had the special idea of rotating a special line of six new cookie flavors every week, which could well be attributed as the reason for the brand’s widespread success. Crumbl today sells over 1 million cookies daily, with 862 locations worldwide.
Round Table’s Nicole Otreba visited the local Crumbl Cookie location on High Ridge Road to interview an employee on the success of the chain. Employee Marco said, “I see the same people return multiple times a week to order cookies and I see the same people come back throughout the month. I enjoy working here at Crumbl and I enjoy the flavor of the cookies. It takes me about 15 minutes to make them and I would say the Cheesecake cookies are the best sellers.”
Otreba and Tyler Munier interviewed SHS students on their opinions of the cookies.
Senior Mia Tataryn said, “My favorite cookie is the chocolate chip cookie, as it’s very simple and not too sweet. I could easily stop purchasing Crumbl as I’m not attached and I think there should be an alternative, as it is loaded with unnecessary calories.”
Junior Victoria Tataryn told them, “My favorite cookie is cheesecake, I get it whenever it’s available. I think they are healthy for me. To replace my addiction, it would be more Starbucks.” In both cases, neither option is necessarily healthy or cost efficient, but both are popular food options at SHS.
When asked her favorite cookie, junior Emilia Janik said, “The M&M cookie. I get Crumbl rarely due to the high amount of sugar and how the cookies make me feel after eating them. They are very sugarful and sweet and too much to enjoy alone.”
Despite the high sugar, fat, and calorie content, Crumbl has a pretty strong grip on the SHS population. Most students have a favorite cookie when asked, and it’s rare to go a day without seeing the trademark pink box of the company. Senior Quincy Flores said it best: “I know how poor the cookies are for me, but we have plastic in the air that we breathe. We only live once.”
lola brooke • Dec 17, 2024 at 2:45 pm
Looove this