Pauline Vlahakis, the second year captain for the SHS girls basketball team, has recently committed to continue her sports career at Wesleyan University. As a strong and motivating leader for her teammates, we interviewed her during the pre-season in order to get an inside look on her past experiences and goals for both herself and the team.
Q: What sports do you play?
A: Basketball
Q: Why did you choose that sport?
A: I just tried it out one day and fell in love with it.
Q: How long have you been playing?
A: Since 1st grade
Q: What are you going to miss most about your sport?
A: My teammates. We are really competitive and push each other to get better but still have fun and joke around. Especially bus rides and hanging out in the locker room.
Q: Do you want to continue your sport in college? If so, a division or just a club?
A: I’m going to play at the D3 level at Wesleyan University.
Q: Do you only participate in that sport at SHS or outside of school?
A: I play in high school and AAU.
Q: What’s your favorite experience from your sport?
A: Making it to the FCIAC championship my sophomore year. We were the 7th seed and beat the 2nd and 3rd seed to get to the championship. We had a fan bus to the championship and the energy overall was awesome.
Q: Have you received any recognition or honors from playing your sport? If so, what are they?
A: FCIAC 2nd team.
Q: How have your experiences from the past 4 years of high school been different from the start of your career?
A: I’ve learned to work a lot harder and enjoy every moment, how to become a leader and help get my team through the good and the bad times.
Q: What are your hopes/goals for this upcoming winter season?
A: Win FCIAC and state championships. We want to give all we can this season and win for Curt, so to win these would mean everything to us.