Fun End to Golf Season
June 8, 2021
The Stamford High Golf season ended with a fun match with Westhill. During this match the two teams played together and used the best shots to shoot the best score. It was a very fun time, and a good way to end the season. The Stamford High team did not have much success this year, as they did not win a single game. The Westhill team was able to win 4 games which is fewer than they normally win as well.
After the match the teams went to dinner at Zody’s 19th Hole, sponsored by the Stamford police department. During this dinner both coaches presented awards to their players. The ceremony started off with presenting the only SHS senior, Brian Somody, with a parting gift. There were a couple other awards presented such as most improved player, given to Aaron Stark, and coaches player, given to Chris Otis. Westhill also had one graduating senior, Caroline Kavanagh.
This was a very interesting golf season for Stamford High. The team only had six players which made it very tough to win any games during the season. There were also a variety of players with different skill levels, all making good advancement on their game.
Next year should be a more successful season because golf is becoming a fall sport, which will allow for a variety of new players to join the team. There is already word that many players from the baseball team are looking to join the golf team in the fall, since the two sports season’s will no longer interfere with one another.
Connecticut is one of the last states to move golf to the fall from the spring. The decision is a very important one that will most likely lead to a larger team that will have more success. A lot of the new players are very excited for the new season. SHS might not be the best team next year, definitely not better than New Canaan, but we will have the most spirit in the FCIAC.
If any other students would like to play for the Stamford high golf team next year, fall sports registration is now open, and the signups should be opening up over the summer. It is a good fit for you if you have any interest in golf or just having fun.