21-22 SHS Course selection begins 3/15!

Raymond Manka, SHS Principal

SHS will be opening up PowerSchool portal scheduling windows on Monday 3/15.  For the first time ever at SHS you and your child can look at the SPS 21-22 Program of Studies, plan together, call or email your child’s school counselor if you’d like, and then enter courses for the 21-22 school year online!  To assist with the process school counselors have produced videos in ENGLISH or SPANISH or HAITIAN-CREOLE (videos available here and also the school counselor GoogleClassroom page Friday 3/12/21) to guide you through the input process regarding the courses you need and want to select for graduation requirements.  Finally, do you have questions about International Baccalaureate (IB) classes, UCONN Early College Experience (ECE), Advanced Placement (AP) classes or our Norwalk Community College dual enrollment Early College Studies?  Please START HERE and then consider contacting the following for additional questions:

IB- Ms. Tiffany Clark (203-977-0852; tclark@stamfordct.gov)

Uconn ECE- Mr. Rafael Escobar (203-977-5086; rescobar@stamfordct.gov)

ECS- Mr. Adam Scianna (203-977-5398; ascianna@stamfordct.gov)

AP- Mr. Matthew Moynihan (203-977-4706; mmoynihan@stamfordct.gov)

School Counselor Secretary Ms. Fran Decarlo (203-977-4272; fdecarlo@stamfordct.gov)

All school counselor email and phone information

Main office (Mr. Tougas x5430 or Ms. Martinez x4227 or Ms. Allen x6623 se habla Espanol)