Canceled Junior Prom Funds Should Go Towards Next Year’s Senior Prom

Author of the Article
March 8, 2021
All high school students dream of going to prom, an occasion that calls for fancy attire, tasteful corsages and lots and lots of pictures. Due to the pandemic, the beloved proms for both Stamford High School Juniors and Seniors were cancelled last year. This left things up in the air in terms of this year – people being split on whether or not things would be “normal” enough to hold a prom. However, now that time has come and decisions are being made.
As of March 1, 2021, the Stamford High School Senior Class has been officially allowed to have a prom, under the stipulations that it be outside and distanced. However, for the Junior Class, Prom has been canceled with promises of having a senior prom next year. The Junior Class has raised thousands of dollars saving for their Junior Prom. Now that the time to start spending that money, putting down deposits and renting DJs has arrived; what are they going to do?
One proposed idea was using the money for a different event, such as a “spring formal”, to substitute the highly-anticipated dance. This doesn’t make sense. The money saved up should go towards next year’s Prom when the Class of 2022 will be Seniors.
However, the fundraising doesn’t have to stop. The money that will be raised and spent on the Class of 2022’s Senior Prom can be combined with what has already been raised. This combination of funds would be extremely beneficial. It would allow the Junior Class to put on a typical prom with a DJ and sit-down dinner, along with extras like photo booths and a theme. Saving the money for Senior Prom also ensures that money isn’t wasted on another less-fun event that not as many students attend, which would only hurt the quality of next year’s Prom.
The Class of 2022 should put their funds where they know the most enjoyment will be: Senior Prom.