Pink Out raises over $5,000 for Bennet Cancer Center

Karina Grabine, Correspondent

This year many events that students were looking forward to were canceled due to the pandemic. Although students and staff were sad that many traditional pinkout activities were not able to take place this year, they still found a way to make it special. Students were still able to partake in some traditions such as selling shirts and donating a portion of the proceeds to the cancer center at our local hospital; as well as raising awareness by having a day to wear pink in school in October. 

Class of 2021 advisor Diane Burns said, “Although we would have loved to have a football game and pep rally, students really made the best of it”.

Students also looked for some new ways to make this valued tradition special, such as starting a mural, and making a collage. Burns said, “It was approved to make a mural on the first floor and add to it every year.” This activity is Covid safe and is the start of a new tradition that students and staff will have to look forward to in future years. Students were also asked to take pictures in and outside of school on the day of the Pink Out, and they will be put in a collage that will be hung at the hospital, as well as in the gym. 

On top of these activities that the school’s community enjoys, Stamford  High was still able to raise a meaningful amount of money to donate to the Stamford Hospital’s Bennett Cancer Center. 

On Thursday Burns announced, “We will be donating $5,260 to Stamford Hospital putting our total donations as a school over $80,000 in the last eight years”. 

Principal Raymond Manka also commented in an email, “unbelievable- especially given the situation and circumstances.” 

Although the Pink Out might not have been what everyone hoped for, students and staff still made it special in many ways.