Will Halloween be Safe This Year?
the ususal trick-or-treat acitivites are not safe during a pandemic.
October 29, 2020
As Halloween quickly approaches and COVID-19 cases rise, many fear that celebrating this year is not such a good idea. Connecticut Mayor David Martin advises that people stay home this year to prevent the risk of spreading the virus. State restrictions have also mandated that holding an indoor party with more than 25 people or an outdoor party with more than 150 people will result in a fine of $500.
Will these restrictions be enough for preventing people from celebrating the holiday this year?
When asked what her plans were for Halloween and whether she believes the mayor is out of line or not, junior Karina Zaleski said, “This Halloween I’m going to celebrate my dad’s birthday with my family and then hang out with a few close friends. I think it’s fair for the mayor to make that suggestion but not to mandate it. However, I think in hopes of containing the virus as a whole, we should follow the COVID-19 guidelines and limit the number of people we see.”
Trick or treating just SCREAMS safety concerns. Between the cross contamination and lack of social distancing, getting candy from house to house this year still remains an unknown question.
Parents with younger children are struggling to decide whether they should let their sugar craving eager kids participate in the traditional door to door activities. SHS teacher William Casolo is confident to celebrate the holiday, but with a more safe approach. He said, “We have a bubble of close friends and we’re having a Halloween party. The kids are going to trick or treat in our safe cul de sac.”
Many students are seeking alternatives to regular Halloween traditions. Freshman Ella O’Halloran said, “I will be helping out with a small Halloween parade for little kids in our neighborhood by making sure they are socially distant and wearing their masks. While I am helping, I am going to wear a mask and keep a safe distance. I don’t think that it’s safe to be trick or treating because there are so many people that will touch the candy and you could easily be exposed.”
While some are taking careful precautions to ensure their safety, it turns out some teens are not letting the pandemic prevent them from celebrating the holiday normally.
At least one junior who remains anonymous said he had plans to attend a large gathering on Saturday. Hopefully, students will take safety precautions in the events that take place this weekend to prevent another outbreak.