June 1, 2020
Hello SHS,
- SENIORS– Based on NEW guidelines from Gov. Lamont about congregations (outdoors) of up to 150 after July 6th in CT, SPS is offering 1 final vote to students and families TONIGHT that closes at 11:59 PM Tuesday 6/2. We will know definitively by this Wednesday 6/3 what the final plan is and it will be communicated to all (again….) after this upcoming Wednesday. Link will be in your GMAIL and a separate School Messenger email to SENIOR families only as soon as it is available.
- SENIORS- and Seniors only are returning this week to SHS retrieve locker contents. Need to empty a locker (school, PE, sports…)? Use THIS LINK on the website to complete the application form so materials can be prepared for them when they arrive (this includes PE/sports lockers too).
- ALL STUDENTS– SPS Books & Chromebook returns- will begin Monday 6/8 through Friday 6/12 8AM to 1230PM daily. Follow this protocol:
- 1 student or 1 parent/guardian representative enters through the main door. MASK and 6ft social distancing MANDATORY
- Security will check off on a grade level sheet that the student has returned books.
- Student/Parent will turn left (towards 101) and drop books off in labeled bins BY DEPARTMENT and then exit through 102 doors.
- These bins will be transported to book rooms (or other designated areas) and remain there untouched as per the established SPS Health Department guidelines.
- This process will continue through June
If you have any questions please contact a school administrator through email for further clarification.