French Exchange Students To Get A Taste Of Stamford High

Taylor Yaghmaie and Sophia Umpierrez

Stamford High’s very own French and Spanish teacher, Maria Cahill, has been working with a teacher from France to bring an exchange program to Stamford High School.

Cahill is currently working on making these students a part of The International Baccalaureate Programme, a new curriculum brought to Stamford High School this past year. She also hopes to filter them throughout different electives based on their personal interests. She explained that what makes this program so special is that the students will be able to experience a new and unique setting far different from back home. By spending three months in Stamford, the students be able to partake in many activities so that they can experience Stamford High, its diversity, and the Black Knight Community. “We tried to pick a time frame where we have a lot of things going on, hopefully they will go to prom, to the plays, and some of the special activities we have here,” Cahill shared.

Cahill is hoping to find some SHS students that are willing to house these students during their stay, and help them to learn the American culture. The parent homes will be given some money weekly to help offset the costs for basic needs, such as food.

This a very special opportunity! If you are interested in hosting a student from France, Cahill will be the liaison for this program. See her in room 605 or email her at