Sudden Resignation of Stamford High Coach Leaves Cheerleaders Worried about Upcoming Exhibition

November 30, 2018
The unexpected resignation of varsity and junior-varsity cheerleading coach Nyasha Watkin has left cheerleaders in a state of panic due to their December 1 exhibition being just one day away. Exhibition is arguably the most important event in the football season for cheerleaders, where they are able to show off a routine put together throughout the course of a few weeks, and members of the team are worried that they won’t have enough time or guidance to prepare.
Athletic Director Chris Passamano, along with history teacher Tiffany Clark and Westhill coach Laura Tintle, have scheduled a practice for Friday afternoon in an attempt to help prepare the team for Saturday’s event.
Junior Anistyn Boshka attended a meeting Wednesday with Passamano and the rest of the team. According to Boshka, Passamano said the team shouldn’t focus on Watkin’s resignation, but should look towards persevering through this obstacle and having a great season. Boshka also said, “We started working on our routine two weeks ago. It’s being said that it wasn’t Nyasha’s choice to step down, which is a reason why we’re so confused as to what this means for our season.”

Former SHS cheerleader Sophia Scorziello, senior, said “In past years, our exhibition routine has been the routine we used for halftime, making it easier to go into exhibition. We usually had something that we’ve been working on for three months. The lack of consistency and preparation is confusing because exhibition has always been such an important part of football season.”
Junior Alyssa Guilmette said, “This team has been through way too many complications as it is for this to happen right before our competition season starts. We won FCIAC’s in the co-ed division last year with the help of Nyasha, and we are going into this season with a blind eye since we are in the all girl division now, which is much more competitive.” Guilmette added, “It lowers our confidence since we haven’t been in the all girl division for a while now. Getting a new coach in a few weeks before our competition season starts will be a major set back but we need to get past it and move on and continue to work hard.”
Senior Paulina Romano agreed. “Exhibition is tomorrow and we don’t have anything prepared, which is nerve wracking,” Romano said.