The popular and controversial Netflix show 13 Reasons Why, directed by Brian Yorkey, recently released season two on May 18, 2018, consisting of 13 new episodes. Season one mainly explored the suicide of high school student Hannah Baker, and the impact of her choice on a small town community. She left cassette tapes with her voice recordings and told stories about who was a problem that made in her decide to end her life. Season two takes place five months after Hannah Baker’s death and now uses Polaroids instead of the cassettes. The main focus is now on the people Hannah left behind and how their lives are now. The students at Liberty High are now getting ready to go on trial where more secrets are uncovered.
Hannah Baker (Katherine Langford) is still a major character in the series. She is included in many flashbacks and Clay even sees her ghost. Clay Jensen (Dylan Minnette) is another major character who wants justice for Hannah. Olivia Baker (Kate Walsh) is leading a lawsuit against Liberty High, alleging that the school’s failure to notice bullying and negligence to Hannah’s cries for help were responsible for her death. You really feel Mrs. Bakers emotions during the trials.
The cinematography in the show is amazing. The soundtrack also has excellent music, and includes songs from artists such as Selena Gomez’s (producer of the show) “Back To You”, OneRepublic’s “Start Again”, and Billie Eilish & Khalid’s “Lovely.” The soundtrack is definitely worth listening to.
If you are into high school drama shows then this is the show for you. But be prepared for graphic scenes. The show is very interesting and suspenseful, once you start you can’t stop watching.