Movie Review: Deadpool 2

May 18, 2018
Spoiler warning, but you’re probably aware of that if you’re reading this…If you’re a fan of the first Deadpool this sequel will not disappoint you. Deadpool 2 brings a very refreshing feel on comedy and superhero movies in general. This shouldn’t come as a surprise since this film is rated R, but this feel holds nothing back. If the gore and profanity in the first Deadpool didn’t fill you up I can assure you this film will. Deadpool 2 is just as, if not more funny than the original which can be attributed to a larger cast, but also an outstanding performance by Ryan Reynolds. With a much larger budget and cast it’s very impressive that this movie holds the same feel as the first, especially since many of the PG-13 Marvel movies tend to fall into a formula and are predictable which is not the case for this movie. The movie kicks off with a shock as Morena Baccarin’s Vanessa dies at the start of the film which propels the plot forward, but this is insane since the whole premise of the last film was more or less saving her. This film will keep you guessing what’s next and will keep you on your toes dying of laughter.
Josh Brolin’s Cable is a very welcomed addition and helps add severity to the tone of the movie. During the film the plot is basically Cable going back in time to kill a child who murdered his family in the future and our red friend is out to protect said child. Comic book fans will squeal with the appearance of Juggernaut as the movies final villain along with other characters like Domino and Task Force X. This movie also does a really good job of balancing comic relief with a serious tone. It never feels like the comedy takes away from the serious points which was a concern going in. Returning characters include basically everyone from the original Deadpool so if you have any favorites worry not, they will have their time to shine. The CG is also generally very good although at times it can be very apparent, although that hardly takes away from the film. Deadpool 2 does the first movie justice which is something most sequels fail to do. This is a must watch for any fans of the character and comic books in general.