Life as a Twin: Inside Edition
Pictured here are twin sisters Ivy and Kathryn Zingone, both of whom are juniors at Stamford High School.
March 13, 2018
While many people grow up with a brother or sister close in age, a twin is a whole different story. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure that having a little sister who begs to play every five seconds can seem like such a drag. And – I know for a fact – having an older brother who picks fights all day can get really old, really fast. If that seems like too much to bare, just wait until you hear what I’ve got to say. Picture this daily routine: wake up, eat breakfast, brush teeth, and get ready – all with your twin right by your side.
Did you want to borrow that shirt of hers (which you know she hasn’t worn in well over a year)? Well don’t worry, she’ll make sure to wear it for the next week, just because you asked to borrow it. Just when you thought you could get a moment of privacy, think again; not only am I with my twin from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep, but I’m also with her in school.
Sharing a class with your twin is cool, but at the same time, it can get pretty weird. The very person you share everything with, is turning in the same assignments and completing the same tests as you. My twin sister Ivy Zingone describes it as,”motivating, yet competitive within the classroom.”
Imagine knowing someone so well, that you can tell exactly what they’re thinking while sitting in class. That test you both forgot was today? Well, be prepared to watch as she pauses with her eyebrows bunched up and eyes squinting if she doesn’t know the answer. When your with someone 24/7, it’s so hard to just watch as they struggle with something (even as little as a quiz).
However, being in the same class as your twin does have some major advantages. If a particular tests or assignment is coming up, you can study and motivate each other to do better. The natural competitiveness within siblings is only magnified with twins, so we are both constantly trying to outdo one another.
If that all sounded even somewhat stressful, don’t get me started on standardized tests. The SAT? Forget about it. Imagine walking into Stamford High, preparing to take – what seems like – the most important test of your life, with your twin sister right by your side. While it may provide an amazing support system, the thought of that much pressure gives me anxiety – for the both of us. We both are extremely different test takers, and as I spend the exam constantly trying to time manage, she analyzes each individual problem. As the time slips away, I can’t help but glance up frequently, checking how much she has left to complete, praying that she’ll finish. Not only am I worrying about my own score, but I worry about hers as well.
A big thing to remember is the difference between fraternal and identical twins. While me and my sister were born at the same time, that’s about where the similarities end. My sister loves to be creative, and as an aspiring artist she tends to be more laid back and a little scattered. I on the other hand, couldn’t draw if my life depended on it. Even when we were little, she would draw on anything and everything she could get her hands on; our room was covered in her creations. Her artistic personality definitely butts heads with my more structured way of life, but in a way we balance each other out. When I’m stressed-out she knows exactly how to help calm me down, in a way that only a twin can.
If in fact you know a twin, I’m sure you’ve wondered those same few questions my sister and I get on the daily: “How come you guys don’t look alike?” Or the ever so popular “Quick! What’s she thinking?” After that usually follows “Did you guys dress the same when you were little?” Or, “It would have been cool if your names rhymed!” And how could I almost forget my personal favorites, “If one of you gets hurt, can the other twin feel it?” and “Can I punch you in the arm to see if she gets a bruise in the same place?”
Sorry folks, but I can assure you that those “freak twins” won’t be found here. My twin and I are different in almost every way possible, but that difference can add so much to a family. My twin is my built-in-best friend, my go-to for advice, and everything else I could need all rolled up in one. Even though having a twin can seem annoying at times, it’s the best experience in the world and I can’t imagine my life any other way.