Midterms… When Will They Ever Start?!
Students react to the altering of the midterm exam schedule

January 17, 2018
Due to the recent inclement weather, midterms have been pushed back two days, causing mixed feelings and reactions among Stamford High School students.
“I woke up this morning expecting to take my midterms and with the change it is really hard to stay mentally prepared,” junior Brett Lubliner told the Round Table.
Some students, like Lubliner, feel the extra days have increased the amount of stress that goes into the process of taking the tests. “I don’t like the fact that midterms are being pushed back because I want to get them over with,” Amanda Olshan, a junior at Stamford High School, said. “I especially do not like the fact that I have to study more over the weekend, because it gets in the way of my already busy schedule.”
Students are also now forced to deal with changes in their personal schedules that they must adapt to in order to study for these tests. “I placed all of my afterschool obligations around my midterm schedule and now I am forced to change around my appointments and activities,” junior Nicole Henkel said.
Several other students described having to adjust their schedules as “ridiculous,” “absurd,” and “outrageous.”
But while some students may be upset, others say it has given them an increased opportunity to prepare. Many were grateful for the extra day to study for subjects they did not feel comfortable with. “I am very happy midterms are being moved back, because it gives me another day to study for my AP midterms,” senior Nicole Oware said.
This extra day also allows students to come in and be able to ask any extra questions that they have for teachers. “I was supposed to have my math exam today, but now I am able to go to my math teacher after school to clear up certain topics that I would have been uncomfortable with if the test hadn’t gotten postponed,” sophomore Hannah Bushell said.
With snow worries in the rear view mirror, students at Stamford High School will begin taking their midterms Thursday, Jan. 18 and finish on Tuesday, January 23. Regular classes will resume Wednesday of next week.