International Baccalaureate program to enter Stamford High next school year

January 5, 2018
The International Baccalaureate program has slowly integrated itself into the Stamford Public School System since 2002 when it was introduced into Rogers International School. It will now be implemented at Stamford High School starting in 2018, making it the third IB school in Stamford.
“IB is an internationally recognized student centered program,” said Jeremy White, a history teacher at Stamford High. “In the IB program, teachers act more as facilitators instead of teaching in the old ‘talk and chalk’ way.” White will teach the Theory of Knowledge class, a course all students are required to take to receive an IB Diploma.
White said that IB classes have similar value to AP classes. “They’re more of a portfolio assessment, evaluated over two years, with internal assessments and final assessments,” he said. These assessments accumulate over the two-year program, and are used to determine a final grade for students when they graduate.
Because of the program’s structure, White believes that IB students will be more at ease moving through their junior and senior year. “I think the way the grading is takes stress off of the end of the year grade, and my class could offer a little relief from the stress as well,” White said.
A self-described “lecturer by nature,” White is excited to be involved in the IB program, as he hopes it will challenge his old teaching styles and drive him to improve the way he runs his class.
While students from Rogers International School and Rippowam Middle School have experienced an IB curriculum before entering Stamford High, this program will be more focused on college preparation.
The IB curriculum focuses on six core subjects: theory of knowledge, creativity, activity, service, and the extended essay. According to the program’s website, “students reflect on the nature of knowledge, complete independent research and undertake a project that often involves community service.”
This year’s sophomore class is eligible to apply online until January 12. More information on how to apply can be found on the school’s website at