Stamford High’s Annual Winter Sport Banquet

Most Outstanding Male and Female Athlete Award winners – Senior Kwe Askew and Junior Tiana England
March 20, 2015
The athletes walked in to the large auditorium and sat with their teams. Opening remarks were made by the Athletic Director, James Moriarty. The crowd was then led in the pledge of Allegiance by junior Mackenzie Brown. Moriarty then introduced the coaches of each team as the coaches called up the seniors and gave out the coaches’ awards.
On Wednesday, March 18th, Stamford High had its third annual Winter Awards ceremony, held in the large auditorium, honoring the varsity athletes of the winter 2014-2015 season.
After each of the sports were recognized, Moriarty announced the FCIAC scholar athletes and the MVPs from each team. Unified Sports MVP, Joseph Lupinacci made a particularly moving speech about his experiences in the program upon receiving his award. The athletic trainer was honored, and assistant principal Matthew Forker gave a speech. The mic was handed back to Moriarty and he announced the winter Most Outstanding Male and Female athlete. The athletes and their parents went downstairs to the cafeteria to enjoy baked goods and refreshments provided by several of the athletes.
The awards given were as follows:
Coaches’ Award- Freshman Julius Page
Scholar Athlete- Senior Lucien Metelski
MVP- Senior Lucien Metelski
Coaches’ Award- Senior Kellie McManamon
Scholar Athletes- Senior Kellie McManamon and Sophomore Jessica Torrellas
MVP- Junior Ivory McCulley
MVP- Freshman Marissa Young
Girls’ Indoor Track:
Coaches’ Award- Senior Sabina Peirre-Louis
Scholar Athletes-Senior Margaret Simpson and Junior Kaitlyn Hutter
MVP- Junior Jenn Krupa
Boys Indoor Track:
Coaches’ Award- Senior Lucas Scarante
Scholar Athlete- Junior Daniel Burger
MVP- Junior Gilmar Barrios
Girls Ice-Hockey:
Unfortunately the girls’ ice-hockey team was not able to attend because they had their banquet. The hockey team is a co-op team with players from Staples and Westhill in addition to Stamford High.
Boys Ice Hockey:
Coaches’ Award- Senior Sam Cooke
Scholar Athlete-Junior Chris Clemmenson
MVP- Senior Zach Rood
Unified Sports:
MVP- Senior Joe Lupunacci
Boys Basketball:
Coaches’ Award- Senior John Cascio
Scholar Athlete- Senior John Cascio
MVP- Senior Kwe Askew and Senior Gianni Carwin
Girls’ Basketball:
Coaches’ Award- Senior Britney Moise
Scholar Athlete- Junior MacKenzie Brown
MVP- Junior Tiana England
Most Outstanding Male and Female Athlete:
Male- Senior Kweshon Askew
Female- Junior Tiana England