Bryan Schwartz, Sports Editor
Senior Bryan Schwartz, also known as the Twitter Tycoon, is the Round Table co-sports editor and co-founder of the Black Knight Network. Schwartz does play by play and color commentary for all Stamford High School athletics. He has prior experience in the journalism field writing for his own Major League Baseball blog and two other sports websites (including a FOX Sports affiliate). Bryan is the golf team captain, and enjoys tweeting. You can follow his famous Twitter account Amazin' Army @WE_ARE_MET_FANS.
Bryan can be reached at
Teddy Marantz, Sports Editor
Teddy Marantz is a hands-on learner whose eyes were opened to journalism in the beginning of his sophomore year. As a huge sports fan, he immediately grew to love writing about sports, both locally and professionally. Learning journalism at a rapid rate thanks to the help of teacher Jon Ringel, Teddy was able to take over as sports editor during his junior year, making him (along with Bryan Schwartz) the youngest sports editor in Round Table history. Halfway through junior year, he and his friend (and co-editor) Bryan Schwartz co-founded the Black Knight Network, and began broadcasting athletic events for the Black Knights. Teddy is currently sports editor, continuing with Black Knight Network and working to expand the new style of journalism with hope that once he leaves, the program will continue to thrive so kids can watch games online. Teddy is also planning on applying to (mostly) journalism programs for college.
Teddy can be reached at