72 Things to Remember and Live By as a 4th Quarter Senior

May 8, 2017
- The familiarity you’re feeling right now isn’t going to last that much longer. Enjoy it, love it, while it lasts
- Have so much fun, without reason
- Work hard, within reason
- Rebuild your burnt bridges
- You’re going to care a little less about your grades than you probably ought to
- Get rid of negative, petty, toxic friendships or relationships
- Don’t hate on prom, we all know you somewhere deep down love it, so go because someday you might regret not going
- Confess your love to your longtime crush
- Study for your AP exams, like, really study
- Go out more
- Clean up your social media
- Throw a party
- Stop caring about what your classmates think about you, you won’t know them in a few months
- Have a nice sit down meal with your friends that you all cook together
- Host a game night
- Spend more time with your family than you normally would, they’re going to miss you
- Start exercising now, because otherwise you never will
- The petty stuff will not matter in four months, don’t waste any of your time with it
- On graduation day go back to the places you loved growing up
- Eat at your favorite restaurant as often as you can, cause you will be a broke college student soon
- But also enjoy your mom’s home cooking
- Get the piercing you’ve always wanted
- Take loads of pictures and videos
- Hang out with your friends on school nights
- It feels like everything’s a last time, make that a positive thing
- Eat that donut, or that ice cream cone, but remember you’ll never be as skinny as you are now #freshman15isreal
- Thrive in the excitement and uncertainty of the entire second semester
- Learn to cook your favorite foods
- Be weird with your friends, like really weird
- Skip classes on those beautiful days and go to the beach, a park, or go for a picnic
- Don’t waste your energy acting negatively towards other, you won’t know them much longer
- Stay up all night and learn how your body reacts to no sleep, practice makes perfect
- Say hi to people you are never going to see after graduation
- Take part in your senior prank
- Tell the teachers that meant something to you that they did
- Enjoy it now, because one day you’ll miss it
- Go to a basketball game, or a play, or a party, binge watching your netflix show can wait
- Don’t be afraid of anyone or anything
- Register to vote as soon as you turn 18
- Go on a road trip with your best friends
- Get a tattoo
- Go to as many concerts as you can, your taste in music will probably change
- Make a playlist of the songs that you played most in high school
- Revel in the nostalgia, but LIVE in the present
- Take part in senior skip day
- Go on an adventure with your best friends
- Graduation day will be one of the best days of your life
- Go on an adventure with your friends, some of them won’t last past high school
- Take one last lap around your high school, even if you hated it there
- Laugh at everyone, at everything
- Save a little of your money every paycheck, you’ll thank yourself later
- The people you want to stay in touch with you will, don’t worry
- Hang out with your younger siblings, they’re going to miss you
- Tell your parents about your day when they ask, they’re going to miss you
- Go out of your way to thank them and tell them you love them
- Blast your favorite songs and drive around town with the windows down and all your closest friends in the car
- Pull an all-nighter for no reason with some friends
- Go to Donut Delight as much as you can, there aren’t any outside of Connecticut
- Your teachers are really sad to see you go, hang out with them too
- Get your favorite teacher’s contact info, they’ll love to hear about how you’re doing once you’re in college
- Do random things with random groups of people, a lot of the time those are the best memories
- Enjoy the friendships that are strictly in-class-for-homework-friendships, their expiration date is coming
- Make your friend’s 18th birthday a big deal, it may be the last you celebrate together
- You’ll know where you want to go for the next four years, trust me you’ll feel it
- Regret literally nothing, have no shame
- Talk to someone you never would have had a conversation with, just because you might never see them again
- Get a job over the summer, because you’ll be happy to have some money for college
- Remember, your summer before college will be amazing but also heartbreaking, so do everything and anything you can to make it memorable.
- Did I mention take pictures? Because one day you’ll want to remember all of this…