Burger Quest Episode 3 -Shake Shack

March 29, 2017
Whooo! It has been quite some time since I’ve done a burger quest, but in my defense it takes time to eat burgers, photograph burgers, rate them. It’s a whole process, but I’m back and this time we went to Shake Shack!!
A little background, Shake Shack opened its first location in Madison Square Park in 2004. Since then they’ve grown tremendously into 119 locations stretching across America and multiple locations internationally. Just last year on Aug. 16th, 2016 Shake Shack opened its 100th location at the Boston Seaport.
As of Jan. 2nd, 2017 Shake Shack opened in Darien, CT, and since it’s opening date the restaurant has been packed almost every night. So Mileena and I accompanied by her mother and little brother headed up to Darien to see if there was anything different from the other locations in New York that we visit often. We got up to the restaurant around 7:30-8:00 and as soon as we got into the parking lot it was packed, and the line was slightly out of the door.
After we found a parking spot we rushed into line, we had Mileena’s brother look for a table because the restaurant was packed beyond belief. Luckily we found a table and all sat down once we ordered, since Mileena and I wanted to sit alone I scanned the restaurant and found one. I rushed towards it and sat down. About 15 minutes later the buzzer I was given started to shake and I went up to grab my food. I decided to go with the Double ShackBurger no tomato, cheese fries, and a vanilla milkshake. Shake Shack gets most of its hype because of the burgers and in my humble opinion they are worth the hype.
Shake shack burgers are cooked medium and the potato bun was super soft without becoming soggy. Many find the burgers over-hyped but the flavor of the burgers mixed with the Shake Sauce really pulled everything together. The milkshakes were very thick, actually almost too thick in my opinion. Personally my favorite part of Shake Shack is the cheese fries. No matter the location I go to the fries are always crispy and loaded with cheese!
The Shake Shack in Darien lived up to my expectations just like all the other times I’ve visited other locations.