Snow Day Fiasco

Snow on a fence.
March 11, 2014
You know there hasn’t been school when your Netflix account has been used to the max and your refrigerator is empty. This year we survived a double whammy when snow caused school cancellations on February 13th and 14th, the two days before winter break. All the people who prepared for last minute tests heaved a sigh of relief when they realized school was cancelled. With the multitude of snow days adding up rapidly, the question appears, when will we make them up?
The last five school days in June are dedicated to make-up snow days if needed. As of right now, we already have seven snow days for the 2013-2014 school. Sadly, this means that the Wednesday and Thursday of spring break will likely be taken away, which is the 14th-18th of April.
Sounds dumb, right? Well, that’s because it is.
That means we have no school Monday, Tuesday and Friday (Good Friday) along with the following Monday. The sad thing is that with every additional snow day, they will continue to eliminate days from break. Even though we have to get the necessary days required by the state, it doesn’t seem right to take away the days from April break. Many families have vacations that are already planned that will need to be rearranged, or they will have to take their children out of school.
Personally, I think they should have arranged for make up the days to be in the beginning of the week rather than the end. For example, take away the Monday and Tuesday of break rather than the Wednesday and Thursday. This way, students are already in the groove of school and won’t have an awkward two days off before the make-up days.