Hit or Stand: The Woman Card

Sarah Druckman, Social Media Coordinator

On April 26, in a post-primary victory speech, GOP Presidential nominee Donald Trump stated that Hillary Clinton would not get five percent of the votes if she was a man. He explained that “the only thing she’s got going is the woman’s card.” Little did he know that this statement would spark a mass Clinton campaign movement that emphasizes what it truly is like to play the “woman card.” Just seconds after Trump’s comment, Twitter exploded with the “woman card” hashtag, as women (and, ironically, men too) shared their thoughts on what they go through each day as they hold their woman cards.

What is it like to be a woman in the United States? Well, this question was quickly addressed by females working on the Clinton campaign who mocked various conditions that make the life of women quite different than that of men. A video was released by The Washington Post where Alexandra Petri sarcastically pointed out the benefits of playing the “woman card,” including a “sizable discount on your earnings everywhere you go” and “11 percent more for all the same products as men”. She even goes as far as mentioning commercials that convince women to believe they are ugly in order to lure them into buying more expensive beauty products. Petri addresses Trump’s comment by stating that “running for office as a Woman Card-holder is a blast, because it allows people to accuse your female supporters of only liking you because of your gender”. The video garnered a ton of attention on Twitter from women who shared the perks (or downfalls?) of playing their woman cards.

In her own victory speech, Clinton replied directly to Trump’s comment, saying, “If fighting for women’s health care and paid family leave and equal pay is playing the woman card, then deal me in!” She then turned the accusation into a real product, by offering donors an official pink woman card when they contribute to her campaign. How’s that for a comeback? While many Americans were unsure if this was some sort of scam, they were proven wrong by Clinton’s website where you can officially order your own woman card today!

For more information on how to purchase your own “woman card,” click here! If you’d like to watch Alexandra Petri’s video, click here.