Hamilton Announces Disciplinary Measures

May 13, 2015
In a recent announcement, Superintendent of Stamford Public Schools Winifred Hamilton listed the disciplinary actions that will be taken regarding several people named in the Pullman and Comely investigation of the Stamford High School sex scandal.
There has been a move for termination for SHS administrators Donna Valentine and Roth Nordin, while Assistant Superintendent of SPS Michael Fernandes has offered to resign. Head of Human Resources for Central Office Stephen Falcone will receive a one month suspension, and letters of warning have been issued to Head of Security at SHS Curtis Tinnin, SHS Security Guard James Jordan, and SHS Social Worker James Cooney. Hamilton said that “there may be additional individuals named at a later date, who will also be impacted.”
“…I hope this doesnt deter people from coming [to Stamford High].”
In regards to his letter of warning, Jordan said, “I’m well supported by the school and faculty and appreciate everything they’ve done for me.” He went on to say that “there are a lot of good people at Stamford High and I hope this doesn’t deter people from coming here. I love working here, and wouldn’t want to work anyplace else. This does not change my perspective of Stamford High.”
Tinnin and Cooney declined to comment. Valentine, Nordin and Falcone did not return requests for comment as of this article’s publication.