During a recent announcement, many students were confused with Dr. Valentine’s message broadcasted to the entire school. “From now on, do not come to the administration team if your cell phone is lost. Report it to the in school police officers.” Sitting down with Dr. Valentine, we discussed with her the meaning behind the message.
Dr. Valentine described the school board policy regarding the ban of cell phones use during the day. She claimed that students were leaving them on their desks, getting up and then returning to find them missing. After a couple days with many losses, Dr. Valentine claims that Stamford High didn’t have the manpower or time to spend all day looking for cell phones, “Its impractical, a dichotomy,” she stated.
With regards to students contacting their parents, Dr. Valentine claimed she was fine with them in their backpacks or pockets. Repeatedly, she announced her message that, “As long as they aren’t visible, they won’t be stolen or missing.” Continuing, Dr. Valentine mentioned that she didn’t want to invade students’ personal space by searching their bags.
If a student’s phone is taken away, they should report it to the School Resource Office located near the band room on the fourth floor. Like any stolen property, the officers will write up a police report and have the permission to carry out searches with probable cause.
When questioned whether it would deliver the wrong message, almost allowing people to steal without consequences she replied, “No, a police report will [be filed] and students can and will be caught. It wasn’t meant to send a bad message out, just to protect your property.”