Have You Heard of These Secret Fast Food Menu Items?

April 19, 2017
For years, stories have circulated about hidden items at fast-food chains, ranging from delicious to vomit inducing. With these rumors spreading many have found that McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s all have secret menus with items that can either make your mouth water or ruin your appetite.
At McDonald’s, the secret menu has a wide range of delicious and disgusting items. According to an article on Mental Floss, if you ask, they will prepare a McChicken sandwiched inside a double cheeseburger. While that may seem disgusting, the article also talks about the Land, Air and Sea burger which is much worse. The burger consists of a Big Mac, a McChicken and a Filet-O-Fish all stuffed together into one massive abomination.
Rumors persist about some Subway restaurants making the pizza sub, what seems like the most normal of all secret menu items, that was discontinued in the 90’s due to Subway’s new healthy image.
According to an article by Fortune, at In-N-Out you can order your burgers like lumber. A “3×3” gets you three slices of cheese and three beef patties between two buns and a “4×4” gets you four slices of cheese and four beef patties, and so on. One customer ordered a 100×100 at a Las Vegas In-N-Out a few years ago.
For drinks, McDonalds, In-N-Out and several other places will allow you to order the Neapolitan shake: a vanilla, chocolate and strawberry shake all in one, which sounds delicious. At Starbucks, if you’re looking for some charge but don’t want to buy a tall, you can get the Short Size; it’s like a baby cup of coffee and it’s bound to keep you going for another hour.
Most fast-food chains have a secret menu. Which one is the most delicious and the most disgusting? Try for yourself.