Recently a spotlight has been put on SHS environmental science teacher Mrs. Karlson, due to the interesting fact that she has been pumping breast milk in between classes. She bravely accepted a request for an interview about how this affects her day-to-day life, and also talked about controversy coming from this intriguing (yet slightly uncomfortable) activity.
Karlson explained that she uses a breast pump two times a school day to pump milk for her 4-month-old baby girl, in a private location within the school that meets all of her needs. She pointed out that “It is actually required for the school to provide a comfortable environment outside of a bathroom to teachers who have a medical need for them.” Karlson also claims that the only time if affects her schedule is when she has a class first period, because she needs the last ten minutes to pump. “Otherwise, I do it during third lunch wave, which may be the worst part for the kids,” she said.
This brought up the questions of how her students react to this necessity, and whether or not she feels embarrassed when telling them about her situation. Karlson swore that many of her kids handle it quite well; however, she said it can be a bit awkward due to all the questions her students have. Also, Karlson said, “the machine actually looks like a torture device, so I’d actually rather feed my baby in public than get caught using the machine.” Although some kids have no idea what a breast pump looks like, many others have seen them in action with their parents and baby siblings.Karlson’s breast pump
When discussing the discrimination that comes with breastfeeding in public, Karlson happily confirmed that she hasn’t faced much judgment because it is something that is becoming more and more common in today’s society. Also, she purposely avoids feeding in public if she can help it: “I use a nursing cover when breastfeeding and try to find a secluded area in the shade to do it or I stay in my car to do it in public.” When asked about those who are grossed out by her actions, Karlson simply said, “She’s gotta eat! You gotta do what you gotta do!”
I think we can all agree that though it might seem a bit weird, Mrs. Karlson is responsible for feeding her beautiful baby. So as long as she’s not walking around the halls pumping breast milk and breastfeeding, it’s best to just accept the matter and move on with your day.