How not to be a jerk at a concert

May 16, 2014
The summer is rolling around, and everyone is probably going to try and get concert tickets to see their favorite band when they come to the tri-state area. However, before you attend, there are a few things you need to know.
- Don’t be a jerk. Everyone wants to see the band just as much as you do. You don’t have to shove people and hurt them to get to the front.
- Don’t wear the band’s t-shirt. Don’t be that guy.
- If you’re tall and someone is shorter and standing right behind you, then move. Be courteous – it’s not anyone’s fault that you’re tall and someone else is short.
- Mosh only when appropriate. Don’t start a mosh pit at a Taylor Swift concert.
- Leave your giant and fancy DSLR camera at home. Watch the concert and stop recording. Also, you’re blocking everyone’s view.
- Don’t be rude about not liking the opening band. We know you’re here for the actual band. Just shut up and wait patiently like everyone else.
- Don’t yell “insert famous single here!” They will play whatever they want to play. As long as the music is good, who cares?
- Don’t scream through the lyrics. Singing along is just fine but if you’re shrieking like a banshee through the song you need to stop.
- If you don’t know the lyrics, don’t even try and sing. Don’t mess up the songs because you don’t know the lyrics.
- Air drum safely. Don’t hit anyone in the process of your drum solo because you’re going a little too hard.
I hope and beg that everyone keeps these things in mind when you go see a concert anytime in the future. They will always be relevant, and it will make everyone’s concert experience much, much better.