Foster the People: An overview

April 10, 2014
The indie pop band Foster the People, known for their hit single “Pumped up Kicks,” is quickly gaining popularity with their unique style and innovative sound. The band started in 2009 in Los Angeles, California when lead singer Mark Foster founded the group after having troubles with his career writing jingles. Mark Pontius, percussion, joined because he liked Fosters variety and diverse guitar influences and piano and electronic sounds. Fosters longtime friend joined in as the bassist for the group after losing his job at television production company.
There are many influences on Mark Foster music and writing; The Beach Boys is one of many. “A lot of influence from [Brian] Wilson. I’ve lived a lifetime of listening to music. When I write songs, it’s pulling bit and pieces of whatever is floating around,” says Foster. The Beatles are also a huge influence, more specifically “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.” Sublime was a big help to Foster, and he studied Bradley Nowell to learn how to write music.
Foster the People made their debut with the album Torches in 2011. Their unconventional sound gave hope to many music fans who felt that musicality had been lost in pop music. Torches has a very piano/ keyboard influence with almost every song on the album containing a groovy piano riff. Their second Studio album, Supermodel, was released in March 2014. Supermodel is a more guitar based “angry” album. Foster says that this album is an introspective rock album, and is more toned down than Torches.
I personally love Foster the People because of their unique, seemingly happy sound. The music they make has a groovy rhythm with edgy lyrics. I appreciate the variety they offer; from a heavy piano base with electronic hints to a guitar base infused with their own unique sound.