- 1983 season
- abortions
- adults only
- arrest at shs
- arthur asks...
- basketball captins
- bill chiapetta
- birth control
- bruce miller
- bruce tucci
- bulimia
- cafeteria
- cheerleader
- common sight
- Connecticut humane society
- contest scheduled
- cults lure
- dana boccuzzi
- dance forms
- dangerous
- dave fisher
- debbie ladestro
- debbie white
- deprived of sleep
- donna farina
- dr. clark
- dr. singer
- eating disorder
- editor-in-chief
- editorial announcements
- fame
- federal judge
- females
- food sales
- forced to marry
- fox of the year
- fusca lorfino
- gas prices
- guyana massacre
- heather barry
- henry werker of new york
- herpes
- honorable mention
- imogene
- innuendo
- installation approved
- janet schoenfeld
- joe buchetto
- jonathan blake
- karen levine
- karin cholak
- kidney problems
- kim hardy
- Knight Light
- love bug
- lydia grant
- maueen o'rourke
- michelle jamieson
- mike hickey
- minority student union
- miss colleen kenna
- miss dematteis
- motor trend magazine
- mr. al gurney
- mr. tucci resigns
- mrs. bradbury
- mrs. pat bradbury
- national scholastics
- nationwide talent star
- one million teens
- pep week
- photography editor
- pin day
- preppie day
- president ford
- punk day
- rapist confessed
- rashes
- reagan
- restricted
- runaway teens
- runaway youth act
- saint patrick's day
- sarah siegel
- school spirit
- second annual
- senior vice president
- sexually abused
- sherry feilds
- shs student council
- small cars
- softball team
- sores
- Stamford BOE
- starved
- stomach problems
- swimming pool
- symptoms
- teen sex
- teenage pregnancy
- teens on the run
- traffic safety administation
- vomitting