- april fashion show
- arthur asks...
- attend colleges
- brett katz
- bruce miller
- cheat sheet
- cheating is fundamental
- class of '82
- debbie white
- desiigner jeans
- fab or style
- guidence department
- halls of shs
- high school students
- innuendo
- jim bitzonis
- jodi talentino
- joe pace
- keep benifits
- Knight Light
- lack of school spirit
- march dance
- Marching Band
- maria palermo
- meredith cowic
- mike wilhoit
- money for education
- mr. herman alswanger
- no final exams
- norwalk communirt college
- open bathrooms
- reagan
- rick rozier
- sadie hawkins dance
- sarah bowen
- sarah siegel
- school spirit
- sheila hughes
- Skiing
- social security benefits
- students disagree
- students oppose new policy
- the flashback
- the world according to bruce
- tory hamilton
- unnecessary for students
- work