
Donald Trump is an extremely wealthy and well known man. He is worth about 4 billion dollars and is 405th on the Forbes list. But is he fit to be president? I think not. Three things about Trump stick out to me that show why he isn’t fit to be President of the United States of America.

Here are his positions on important issues; current issues.  While I think he isn’t fit to lead our nation for many more reasons, these three are the most prominent.

  1. He wants to cut spending for the Department of Education.

While talking about the Department of Education, he said, “You could cut that way, way, way down.” He also said at the Donald Trump Press Conference that he was upset with how America scored in education compared to other nations throughout the world. How can he boost results with “way, way ,way” less funding?

  1. He believes climate change to be a hoax.

If someone does not believe in climate change for a legitimate reason, I can accept that. But Trump’s defense behind his reason is complete nonsense. He even tweeted this: “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” This quote, as far as I can tell, has no legitimacy whatsoever. He even quotes and uses evidence from a source that has admitted they were wrong! Now you might be asking yourself, what does this have to do with being President? The small things, like trusting inaccurate sources and stating complete lies, are what define Trump. Is this really the type of guy you want to be running this nation?

  1. And finally, the most stupid thing he has ever said: He wants to force the country of Mexico to build a wall along the U.S.- Mexico border.

What he said after that on CNN’s State of the Union, is even worse: “you force them [to build the wall] because we give them a fortune. Mexico makes a fortune because of us. A wall is a tiny little peanut compared to that. I would do something very severe unless they contributed or gave us the money to build the wall.” This is incredibly wrong and unjust. I do not want this sick person as my President.

Donald Trump is a very messed up man. I do not, and will never, want him as the leader of this great nation.

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I am in favor of Donald Trump’s candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination and feel that he can win the general election if he manages to win the GOP primary.

Most of us know Mr. Trump as a celebrity figure. He is the man behind the TV show “The Apprentice,” and is featured as the head honcho who fires. We also know him as the billionaire businessman, known for his development of casinos, skyscrapers, luxury hotels and golf courses throughout the world. No matter how you know the man, most everyone can agree that Donald Trump is who he is.

As a political candidate, Mr. Trump speaks to the American people in a straight forward, unscripted and confident manner. He says what he believes to be the truth and doesn’t care about the potential backlash from the press or who his comments will offend. After seven years of an Obama administration who promotes the use of politically correct speech, voters of both parties are seeking straight talk and someone who speaks the truth. GOP voters have been misled by their representatives in Congress too much, and they are done with the typical politically scripted speaker.

This is a large part of his appeal to his supporters. He always fights back whenever he is attacked in the media; he doesn’t hide from the reporters, and doesn’t cower when challenged. He doesn’t take the easy way out like most politicians do when the media goes after them.  People may not like or agree with what Donald Trump says, but they have to admire his guts to say it loudly and to stand by his words and fight back when he faces backlash.

Illegal Immigration was NOT an issue that either party wanted to pay a lot of attention to, and they certainly did not want to have any mention of a massive wall being built or deportation. With Trump being in the race, he has managed to direct the conversation and make illegal immigration a central issue.  He’s forced other candidates to state their positions on the issue and answer questions on what they would propose.  This issue makes the average politician very uncomfortable because he or she may have to take positions that they do not necessarily agree with in order to please their financial backers and gain support with the GOP base.

Trump is good for the presidency. He has the right to be heard and the right to run for President.  The American people have had it with the political “elite” – not only Democrats, but Republicans as well. The rigged game in Washington D.C is being played to benefit the politicians – not the people. The people are not stupid.  They know when they’re being played and they know that this is backwards to our founders’ intent. The political elite in both parties are only concerned with money, control and retaining power.  I don’t feel that they care about representing the American people or what is best for America.  And while people can point out that Trump looks out for himself and has a great love for his money, his current role is businessman, entrepreneur and entertainer, not a politician. He never promised to act as a representative who serves a constituency or the public trust.

Trump also gains the support of people by promising to “Make America Great Again” by restoring pride. Trump wants the US to go back to “winning” and I think that many Americans feel the same way. Unlike Obama, Trump does not blame America for all of world’s problems. You can bet that Trump will NOT be taking apology tours around the globe.  Trump supporters want to feel pride in their country again – they want to “win again.”  They have had it with all of the manufactured divisions in this country – black vs. white, rich vs. poor, men vs. women, straight vs. LGBT, civilian vs. cops and so on.  They want to focus on unifying the nation.  They want a nation where we’re Americans without being sorted out into subgroups. They want to make America great again.

So while even the most passionate Trump supporter realizes that Donald Trump is far from the perfect candidate, the man is who he is, and they like that.  Supporters also know that only an outsider billionaire, with nothing owed to donors or to the establishment DC elite, can break up what’s happening in our halls of government.  Trump supporters believe that he can restore America and do so with in-your-face honesty and without fear.

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