On Friday, October 13, 2017, the Class of 2020 hosted Stamford High’s first ever paint night fundraiser in the cafeteria for students, faculty members and families. Sophomore Class Vice President Hannah Bushell said, “The officers all agreed that it would be a good idea – especially, you know, the end of a stressful week just to take off all the pressure because, you know, that’s what painting is.”
Class of 2020 advisor and history teacher Tiffany Clark proposed the idea for the event, which was based on the “sip and paint” concept where people sip refreshments and enjoy their time being guided through a painting.
Art teacher Kim Wheeler led the group step-by-step in painting a scenic landscape using a variety of techniques. In addition to the painting activity, there was music, a raffle and plenty of fall-themed snacks.
There were some stuck with the guided painting while others created their own original work. No matter what they painted, everyone seemed very calm and focused.
Overall, paint night was a success raising a total of $900 which will go to the sophomore class. Class President Zachary Beldotti said, “I felt the turnout was pretty good; there were quite a few people here. It was a great event and I’m sure everyone had a nice time.” With the success of the event, we hope to see a larger turnout next year.