Dear Senior Year,
I was so excited to finally meet you in September. To step into the halls as an upperclassmen. To prepare myself for the last year of high school. I thought that being so close to leaving high school would be a great thing, but now days from my graduation I am torn.
We all came here the same way. Coming in as freshmen listening in on the orientation. Learning how to navigate through the halls and all the rules you need to know. Trying to understand how it was possible that the sixth floor was below the first and the fourth was below the seventh. I remember the first day I stepped into Stamford High. The first time I saw the halls, the teachers, my classmates, and all the school had to offer. The hardest thing I had to face as a freshman was to somehow walk from the third to ninth floor and be on time for class. Fast forward four years later and I am now about to graduate. Yikes…it went way too fast.
For the class of 2017 our last days of high school are coming and going. Sports have ended, prom has ended and now we are awaiting graduation day. The one last day we can all call ourselves high school students and the day we step out into the real world. When we receive our diplomas we will officially go from Stamford High School students to Stamford High School alumni.
High school has taught me so many things in and out of the classroom. I have met some of my best friends in these very halls. Stamford High has offered me so many different opportunities. The academics, sports, clubs, and all the lifelong friends I made on the way.
Many of my classmates may be tired of high school and are counting down the days to graduation. However, I feel as if I am leaving a big part of my life. Stamford High is my home and always will be. To the rising seniors and all underclassmen: cherish your times here at Stamford High and do not take it for granted. One second you are a freshman at orientation and the next you are about to graduate. It goes by in a blink of an eye.
I am so thankful for everything and everyone these past four years. Congrats to the class of 2017 and thanks for all the memories Stamford High.