Top Left: Juniors Dorothy Toth and Cali Schenkel Top Right: Seniors Sarah Kinzler, Daniella Malinowski, Dylan Senecal, and Claire Cohen Bottom Left: Freshman Jasmin Rodriguez Bottom Right: Sophomores Erin Maher and Mia Vitti
Today’s spirit day was “Color Wars”: a Stamford High spirit week tradition for several years. Each grade dresses in different colors every year to represent their grade level. Freshman wore yellow, sophomores wore red, juniors wore blue and seniors wore green. It has also become somewhat of a tradition for each grade to make a trademark for their class color, usually revolving around some kind of theme or character. This year, many seniors decided to dress as army people: students wore army bandanas, army pants, combat boots and other unmistakably army-themed clothing—even army-printed onesies. Other seniors chose to come up with other creative ideas that are connected to the color green such as Starbucks cups. Also, several juniors seemed to be sporting spirit shirts that represented Twitter or even Dory in Finding Nemo with her famous phrase, “Just Keep Swimming.” Like last year’s seniors, many sophomores dressed up as lifeguards to represent their color, red. In addition, as usual, not many freshmen dressed up to represent their class color or a particular theme. This tends to happen every year mostly because the new freshman of our school have not experienced how the Black Knights go “all out” for spirit week or any other event at Stamford High where we have to dress up. The rest of this week’s spirit days will include “ ‘Murica Day” as well as our traditional Stamford High, black and orange spirit day.